TTC - Trying to concieve
BD- Baby Dance
OPK- Ovulation test
POAS- Pee on a stick
DH-Dear husband
AF-Aunt Flo
BCP-Birth control pills
BFP-Big fat positive (on a pregnancy test)
BFN-Big fat negative
BPM-Beats per minue (baby's heartbeat)
CD-Cycle day
EDD-Estimated due date
HPT-Home pregnancy test
LP-Luteal Phase
NTNP-Not trying, not preventing
PNV-Prenatal vitamin
BBT-Basal Body Temperature
And really these are just a few of what I have seen!! Could you imagine opening a post and trying to decode what in the world these women are talking about?!? Now this would be a normal post that I might find on one of these boards...ready?
"Help! DH and I have been TTC for 4 months. I am on CD 16 and had a -OPK! I am worried that my LP is too short!! Could it be that I have only been off BCP for 4 months? Should I start testing my BBT on a normal basis and then go from there? Ughh!! My AF usually arrives on between CD 26-28. That would put my LP at only 10 or 11 days if I O'd on CD 16. Let me know your thoughts!"
I really just made that up I promise (: Seriously though? I googled "Trying to Conceive" lingo to be able to start reading what these ladies have to say. Now I get bout' you??
Girl, I hate to say it doesn't get any easier! I'm still trying to figure out sentences like: "My ODD was FF but my LO is BF and STTN, DH says that I should be a SAHM but idk?" I think it would be just as easy to type the stuff out instead of needing a dictionary to figure it out! Good Luck! ;)